Propose & Play
Our simple and easy match proposal system allows you to play a competitive match where you want, when you want.
Mobile App
Download the TennisRungs mobile app for free and easily propose/accept matches, report scores and more.
Real-time Rankings
Instantly report your score from the mobile app and see your new ranking. Gone are the days of waiting for weekly results.

USTA Atlanta
TennisRungs is super excited to partner with the USTA to bring social and competitive tennis ladders to metro Atlanta.
A non-profit organization founded in 1980, the mission of USTA Atlanta (The Atlanta Community Tennis Association) is to promote and develop the growth of tennis in metro Atlanta. USTA Atlanta oversees the largest USTA Leagues and USTA Jr. Team Tennis league programs in the country.

Ladder Ambassador
Amy O'Connell
Amy is currently the Executive Director of USTA Atlanta. She is a certified USPTA and PTR teaching professional and spent ten years as the Women's Tennis Coach at Georgia Southern University. When she's not at the USTA office or on the tennis court she's keeping up with her four kids and their sporting events!
2024 Ladders
Men's Singles
Women's Singles
Ladders will be divided into flights before the season begins.